what I’ve been up to...
i always want to know people's histories - so here's some of mine!
Currently Building Businesses!
Spring 23-24
Classes:- DESIGN 161B Advanced Design Capstone 1
- BIO 150 Human Behavioral Biology
- ARTSTUDI 152 Soft Sculpture
- CS 247G Game Design
Winter 23-24
Classes:- DESIGN 101 History and Ethics of Design
- DESIGN 161A Advanced Design Capstone 1
- ENERGY 203 Stanford Climate Ventures
- CME 106 Probability and Statistics
- CS 205L Continuous Mathematical Methods with Emphasis on Machine Learnings
Fall 23-24
Classes:- ME 325 Injection Molding
- ME 303 Soft Robotics
- ME 219 Magic of Materials and Manufacturing
- ME 217 Engineering Design Analytics
- DESIGN 231 Needfinding
Summer 22-23
- Product Design Intern @ Apple
Spring 22-23
Classes: (study abroad in Berlin, Germany)- MOSPBER 2Z Accelerated German
- OSPBER 33B Discovering German Culture through Engineering
- OSPBER 30 Berlin vor Ort: Field Trip
- PATH 51 Anatomy
Winter 22-23
Classes:- ME 318 Computer-Aided Product Creation
- MUSIC 101 Electronic Music
- ME 115B Product Design Methods
- ME 104 Intro to Mechanical Systems
- GLOBAL 104 Iranian Cuisine
- ME 228 The Future of Mechanical Engineering
- ENGR 311A Women’s Perspectives in Engineering
Fall 22-23
Classes:- ME 103 Designing and Making
- ME 115A Intro to Human Values in Design
- ARTSTUDI 151 Sculpture
- ME 391 Engineering Problems and Experimental Investigation
- MUSIC 31B Music and Healing
Work:- Product Design Intern @ Apple
Summer 20-21
Classes:- ME 191 Engineering Problems and Experimental Investigation
- Mechanical Engineering Intern @ Swope Design Solutions
- Research Assistant @ Stanford SHAPE Lab
- Website Designer @ Stanford Inclusive Design Conference
Spring 20-21
Mechanical Engineering Intern
Swope Design Solutions
- Website Designer @ Engineers for a Sustainable World
- Merch Designer @ Engineers for a Sustainable World
Winter 20-21
Classes:- ARTSTUDI 173A Intro Photography: Blue
- HUMBIO 174 Foundations of Bioethics
- ME 80 Mechanics of Materials
- ME 341 Design Experiments
- MUSIC 1A Music, Mind, and Human Behavior
- PWR 2AB Makers, Crafters, Hackers: The Rhetoric of DIY
- Research Assistant @ Stanford Graduate School of Education
- Mentor @ FIRST Robotics
- Website Designer @ Engineers for a Sustainable World
- StanfordArts Grant recepient: for project “Queer & Asian Zine” A digital archive of stories, identities, and feelings.
Fall 20-21
Classes:- ENGR 14 Intro to Solid Mechanics
- ME 102 Foundations of Product Realization
- ME 191 Engineering Problems and Experimental Investigation
- MUSIC 154E Creative Agency in the Pandemic World
- PHYSICS 41 Mechanics
- PSYCH 70 Intro to Social Psychology
- Transcriber @ Stanford Department of Music
- Quality Control Technician @ Resonetics Micro Manufacturing
- Instructor and Curriculum Designer @ Introduction to Crochet Construction and Textile
Summer 19-20
Classes:- GERLANG 5 Intensive First-Year German
- Transcriber @ Stanford Department of Music
- Audio Engineer Intern @ Cress Health
- 3D Printing Research Intern @ Van Dyk Recycling Solutions
Spring 19-20
Classes:- EDUC 190 Directed Research in Education
- ENGR 40M Intro to Making: What is EE
- ITALIC 95W Immersion in the Arts: Writing
- MATH 51 Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern Applications
- STATS 60 Introduction to Statistical Methods
- MUSIC 275C Advanced Clarinet
- Transcriber @ Stanford Department of Music
- Friends of Music Applied Music Scholarship Program
- Research Assistant @ Stanford Graduate School of Education
- Stanford Arts Grant recepient:
for project “Love in the time of COVID19” Podcast Project
Winter 19-20
Classes:- CS 106A Programming Methodology
- ITALIC 92 Immersion in the Arts: Interpreting
- ME 101 Visual Thinking
- ME 110 Design Sketching
MUSIC 160 Stanford Symphony Orchestra
- MUSIC 275C Advanced Clarinet
- Transcriber @ Stanford Department of Music
- Friends of Music Applied Music Scholarship Program
- Makeathon: Make it Green (Economic, Social & Environmental Sustainability and Design) Most Impactful Project
Fall 19-20
Classes:- PSYCH 1 Introduction to Psychology
- ITALIC 91 Immersion in the Arts: Creating
- ME 195A Food, Design & Technology
- MUSIC 160 Stanford Symphony Orchestra
- MUSIC 275C Advanced Clarinet
- WELLNESS 150 Introduction to Nutrition
- Transcriber @ Stanford Department of Music
- Friends of Music Applied Music Scholarship Program